I was walking on the beach today when I stumbled upon one of my favorite things, a piece of sea glass. I usually find sea glass, way more often than I find sharks teeth. I can count on two fingers how many sharks teeth I have ever found. But for some reason I have the eye for sea glass. This piece I found today was amazing to me because of how I found it. It was a clear piece of glass (don't laugh, they're usually green or blue) and not only was it almost buried in the sand, but the water was washing over it. I'm not sure how I saw it, but I did. I started thinking very deeply about this piece of glass and how we all have different abilities and can see different things. My brother can spot a shark's tooth from a mile away, or, more realistically, he can spot a shark's tooth that is right in front of me. I can spot sea glass that most people overlook... hmm... Deep thinking...
deep thinking...
looking for more glass...
deep thinking...
I look up and a nice old man is walking towards me, he looks right at me and says "you know what your problem is?" Oh, great, I'm thinking, this is going to be interesting. "you can tell how old a person is by how they walk". "Oh, really?" I say to him, and he just smiles back and says "You walk like you're 65 years old! and I'm 80!" Hahaha I had no idea what to say. I was just told I walk like a 65 year old woman, from an 80 year old man! My self-confidence was soaring. No, I did not pick up my pace.