Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What's the big Idea?

I'm about to go home and do an art project. I just wanted to share the inspiration with you all because I think it's pretty stinking cool...


Picture from www.megduerkson.typepad.com

check out her process here!

I'll try to post some pics of mine soon!

P.S. I am sitting outside of a coffee shop and I've recently been contemplating if it's wrong to go into coffee shops and not get anything to drink. I tend to go in just to people watch and use the internet... thoughts?

Have a great Tuesday!

Friday, August 26, 2011

To become a Christian you must first read and understand every other religion in the world. Otherwise you are narrow minded...

There are two men sitting across from me speaking in arabic. 

When I saw them walking in I thought it was funny because they look like italian mobsters. dressed really nicely and driving fancy cars. There was one connection I failed to make.
They came in while I was reading… Immediately one started calling me a name. Not an inappropriate name, an actual name, like runna or something. I didn't realize they were talking to me. I looked up and they said, are you runna? Nope. Oh, they said, you look exactly like our friend's daughter. Oh, haha. Turns out I could actually be their cousin.
They asked if I was arabic. I am syrian. they are lebanese. I listed of some of my families' last names like a good arabic girl, one of them said, oh, you're a Barraket? (well, yes, kind of, I'm related to the Barraket's, we actually say Barket, but Barraket is the proper way, just roll the R and add an a). 
they then wanted me to prove my syrian residency, joking of course. They settled for the fact that I knew what taboulli was.

Then they tested my arabic, of which I speak none. They asked if I knew the arabic word for money. their way of asking was using the arabic word for money. I of course, to reiterate my point, said no. I don't know what massa-something means. Oh, haha, you no use no money, haha. Oh, haha, I said, yeah my parents never taught me arabic, they thought I said my parents didn't teach me money. sooo funny.

one just got up to leave, they have been sitting across from me this whole time. 

the other older one asks again for my dad's name. he's sure he's met him. I show him a picture of him and my mom on my computer. still nothing…

We never drew the connection but I'm sure it has something to do with real estate.

since he didn't go back to his seat I felt somewhat obligated to keep talking. he asked how many boyfriends I have. I probably should have lied. and said at least one. it was far from my mind that he would be hitting on me. He was like 40! I told him I go to the church around the corner and have a lot of guy friends who are like brothers. Just to get the point across that if I went missing people would notice. 

To try to deter him or at least turn off his desire for conversation I took the conversation in a direction I thought would cause him to leave. God and church. I very quickly felt like I was talking to an art student at UNF. He believes in the whole there are many ways to God. different religions are all right. no one is wrong. as long as you believe there is a God. 
well, hello every person I every reached out to in college. I knew exactly how it would end as soon as it started. Let's agree to disagree. 
But I couldn't just end it. I was in this conversation. somewhat unprepared. 
To type out everything we discussed would take a while…I'll do some bullet points:

-who Jesus is. (we disagreed)
-how to choose your religion(we disagreed)
-who goes to heaven or hell (we disagreed)
-how to talk about religion and what you believe (we disagreed)
-if the Bible is truth(disagreed)

Someone once said, in order to argue well, one must start with communicating the definitions. we can argue over how to run a business but if we don't define certain words or what the business is, we will argue in circles.

I must say, there were many times when I was lost for words. Then there were times when I had too many words and had to choose them wisely. Ultimately he wanted me to talk about religion and God without posing my own beliefs. I explained that I cannot separate who I am from what I believe. He found that among many things that I said to be bogus.

Five Books:

He posed a question. He was trying to explain that I am only a Christian because it is how I was raised and If I were raised another religion I would be that. 

question: if you had no prior knowledge of the Bible and you were told to go into this room with 5 books on a table. you have to choose which one you will follow to live your life. how would you choose? 
I answered, well, I would read one, taking into account how it affects me and then read the next until I found the right one.
He felt he made his point. I've only read the Bible and since I haven't read all the other options I am narrow minded and what I think is the only way to Christ is only that because it's all I know.

I answered back: Do you mind if I ask you a question. Sure he said, proud and smiling and intrigued.
I asked. Let's say you are put in a room with 5 women. One of them is to become your wife. 
Do you have sex with each one to figure out who your wife is?

He answered, if that is an option, then yes.

I answered back: See, this is where I disagree. I don't think I need to know every book in order to know that the Bible is the Truth. The absolute truth.

The conversation went on. and as I suspected we ended on me saying. Let's just agree to disagree. He laughed. because in his mind, he still agrees with me. and every other religion. (I've been to enough interfaith committee meetings to know the difference between modern tolerance and the definition of tolerance.) I will and did listen to his opinion and made it clear that I disagree and he made it clear that I'm being narrow minded. I agreed. proudly.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My friends are at Metro Diner and I'm being a loner...so I blogged

I came here today, not to blog, but to read. 
and of course something happened I can't help but write about…

A man comes in and sits a chair over from me with his leather crocs and polo shirt, probably in his forties.
Three little girls come in- hi daddy!
"sup real dog…" (no joke, that's what he said to his daughters)
they all come up and hug him, probably 10, 8 and 5.
the two younger are holding hands, more for the sake of the 5 year old not running off.
they come up to the comfy seat next to me and as the baby goes to sit the older one pulls her arm back so she could sit first…typical older sibling.

so they both sit right next to me…I look over and the baby girl is staring at me with her bangs in her face and her mouth open…I melted.
she then got up and started twirling in front of her family. for no other reason than she felt like it. she twirled and twirled and won my heart.
she's actually 2.
she went over to sit back down but now both older sisters were in the chair and wouldn't let her in. while she was dancing and bringing joy to her father, and inadvertently, me, her sisters took her spot.
just as she was about to start crying and shoving her way in her daddy says, come here sweetie, patting his knee, come sit with me.
she goes gladly, forgetting the rejection she just faced-because of it she got a seat with her father.

he held her and rocked her and tickled her.

then she threw her arms up and fell back in total confidence and security.

Daddy missed.
she bumped her head on the corner of the chair.

she started crying and he apologized profusely and just held and rocked her and she laid her head on his chest as he held her.

she's fine now. she's defending the fact that her sister's birthday is actually her own. it's not really but when you're two, everybody's birthday is your birthday, especially your siblings'.

I am loving this sweet little family. this perfect example of how life with your father should be. he showed them his love and played with them, and because he's human one was hurt, but he was there to comfort her until she was ready to play again. 

I know it's random again, but again, I'll try to leave you with something…this time I really have a sweet tip/link. I'll share it as the sweet 2 year old starts twirling again :)

here's the sweet reward for reading my blog today!

free coffee!!! just use your smart phone, take a pic of this barcode (it's a community starbucks card) and use it to get your drink! If you're feeling really wild, make someone's day and contribute to the card. You may need it someday.

Shout out to the world changer known as Anna Haberlein. making a difference one free coffee cup at a time.

But seriously. check it out. drop a few bucks. it's fun!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Tazo tea and lip liner

So I'm sitting in a starbucks. Surrounded by people at a table by myself.
In front of me are three men. two at a table together and one who just picked up his newspaper and walked out.
The two men are having a very intentional conversation. The one with the Tazo tea is doing all the talking, using his hands like an orchestrater. the other gentleman sips his coffee, says something lightly and the tea man carries on.

In front of me to my left are three women. one just leaned over to sniff the other's neck then hands her a small ziplock bag that she then sniffs. 

Behind me is a group of 20 somethings speaking a different language. Maybe swiss or dutch? They are all blonde. the women in front of me are all brunette. the men in front of me are both grey and balding. Birds of a feather really do flock together.

The tea man just told a story about someone's arm being chopped off, I think, by the way he held out one arm and used the other hand to chop it off.

The people sitting behind me are incredibly trendy. One just walked to the bathroom and he was wearing black trousers, a suit vest, suspenders and a white collared shirt. It's 100 degrees out. what is he thinking. Also, he has black hair. not blonde.

The Coffee boy who called me gorgeous just stepped outside to take a smoke break.

The group behind me is more romanian I think. oddly enough none of them are blonde. 

I had a friend in high school from romania. I'll never forget her. She had a rough life and was blamed by her parents for the harm done to her. She made me promise to never tell or she would be disowned by them. 

Johnny and June just came on…I'm going to Jackson. 

After a five minute Facebook break the woman in front of me is STILL putting on lip liner. Maybe they're having a friday-lunch break-mary kay party- at starbucks??? weird.

Since this blog is so stinking random and somewhat aimless I thought I'd leave you with a link: 

changed my mind. I'll leave you with a quote: 

Actually, none is coming to mind.

I want so badly to leave you with something to make this worth your while. (if anyone is still reading this). aha. free art.

Leave a comment (a quote you love, a link to something sweet, etc.). The fifth person to comment on this blog will get one of my paintings. to guarantee you'll actually get one, I have it already made.

(you can only comment once, and it can't be back to back)- (this one's for all you strategists).

two business men just sat behind me. I'm not sure but I think it's going to be boring. Peace!